Friday, October 11, 2013

Five on Friday!

Hellooooooo Friday!! Was it just me or did this week fly by?! Gotta love weeks like that!

I'm venturing out on a field trip with my sister and her drama students tomorrow--wish me luck! 
3 hours...on a bus...with high schoolers. Oy. 
I foresee a glass [or 3] of wine in my Saturday night future! ;)

Here is what I'm loving this week:

Loving this combo!

It doesn't get much cuter than a squeaky clean baby decked out in holiday jams!

No Friday link-up would be complete without a free printable! ;) 
How cute would this be on the front door or by the front door on Halloween night?!


I want these tacos. Like now. ;)


I always feel like I tie my scarf the same exact way every time I wear it. 
This is a great guide for a little scarf variety!

H a p p y   W e e k e n d!


  1. I have all of those items except the red necklace.... looks like mama needs to go shopping :)

  2. That's hilarious, because I also have all of the pieces except the necklace!! Obviously.


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