Tuesday, March 18, 2014

St. Patrick's Day Fun!

Our St. Patrick's Day, and the few weeks leading up to, were filled with crafts, treats, and a few leprechaun shenanigans. We were hoping to play hooky from school yesterday to go to the parade in Indy, but the 20 degree temps kept us away. :(

No holiday is too small for celebrating around here! ;) 

...My Lucky Charms...

Any excuse to make cupcakes!

And, last but not least...shenanigans. :)

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Nursery Rhyme Olympics

Dawson's teacher is seriously amazing. She retired last year from teaching Kindergarten, and started teaching Pre-K last Fall. She has the reputation of being the best teacher around. In these two short months we have been at this school, she is certainly exceeding all my expectations as a teacher. In fact, I'm so sad about him not having her for Kindergarten I can barely think about it without crying. Of course, let's get real...I can't think about or mention Kindergarten in general without crying. 
But, that's a whole different issue. ;)

During Olympic time, Dawson's teacher put on a "Nursery Rhyme Olympics." My Mom watched Hudson so we could devote all our attention to Daws. Thank the lord, because there would have been no way, other than a straight jacket, that we would have been able to wrangle that little monkey all night. ;)
On top of an adorable night, they also provided dinner for everyone! 

They started off with the "opening ceremony" where all the kids lined up around the entire room in a circle and handed the torch off to each to other. The actual music of the Olympics was also playing, which upped the cute factor ten fold. ;) Dawson just happened to be standing in the last spot which meant he got to carry the torch up to the front of the stage and put in in the holder. You can only imagine how happy this made his super-obsessed with the Olympics father. ;)

After the "Opening Ceremony" we moved to our first event. There were 5 different nursery rhyme stations set up. We all said the rhyme together, then did the activity. 
Yes, even the parents had to participate. Go ahead and laugh at the thought of me jumping over that damn candlestick...it was pure comedy, I tell ya. ;)

Jack Be Nimble...
Successfully jumped over the candle stick! ;)

Humpty Dumpty...

Mother Goose....which for some reason both turned out blurry

Hickory Dickory Dock...

"The clock struck one" (ringing the bell)

 Hey Diddle Diddle...

And, then of course the medal presentation :)

My little gold medalist. ;)

We are so blessed to have found such a great new school for Daws. 
After much worry, I am so thankful that the transition has been a smooth one. :)